Monday, May 5, 2014

Massing update

The massing of my media complex has change a little due to corruption of my flash drive. The ribs of the building act a little different then the previous massing. One of the ribs act differently because it turns into a accommodation space for my guest and it is very convenient for my guest to circulate to this building from their irrespective rooms. Last but not least the round curved space in the media complex acts as an auditorium taking its true shape and having a core that runs vertically up this space.

1 comment:

  1. On first blush, there is little development of your model even as evidenced by your description. This is the time to push from "concept" to a realizable form. Unless you are proposing a crazy underground network of tunnels (which would actually be completely cool...IF you showed them in section)there is still a central mass of somewhat organic/curvilinear form, a ribbon and a collection of jewel-boxes in the ether.
    in the eyes of real-world process, this project has stalled in its momentum. Try to get back to the energy you had in the study model/parti phase and really push this over the finish line. You are too close not to give it your all!
