Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Presentation Board

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Guranter!

    Your boards are well organized and your drawings are nice and easy to read. At the same time, your design work is just as clean and organized and this is something that I like very much. This is also something that you have been consistent about throughout the entire semester.

    Regarding the design itself, I think that you were able to come up with an original yet functional solution for the building program. One thing about your final design is that this appears to be somewhat more "solid" or robust when compared to your original concept models. To an extend this is understandable but transferring the sculptural qualities of such (conceptual) models into a building is always a great challenge in architecture. This is something that you can perhaps explore further in future projects.

    The landscape design proposal surrounding your building remains basic (grass). I understand that your main effort went on designing your building. I also understand that time was a factor that you could not neglect. Nevertheless it is worth keeping in mind that the surrounding landscape can compliment and even strengthen architecture (food for thought).

    Overall, you worked hard and you did well – congratulations! Have a great Summer and good luck with whatever you do next.

