Tuesday, March 25, 2014


 This is a rendering showing how one would see the entrance of the building from bread street. The intention of this rendering is to attract and invite people to come see what this building is.

 I attempted to make a landscape in which my hotel rooms are wedged in. They are somewhat exposed to get natural light. the landscape also has pathways through my guest will get to their rooms.
This is a top view of my site and the red dashed lines show the circulation through the building and to the hotel rooms. The are still some aspects i still have to consider, the building still needs improvement.

The red color shows what i have added to my building and the reason for me adding the piece on the top is to give my audience a direction of which way to go. Towards the bottom i have put a outdoor screen where people can sit on the landscape at anytime and enjoy a movie.


  1. The first shot is compelling. The entry sequence is indeed inviting. The rest of the form makes no sense and detracts from the quality of the spatial organization you are trying to explore. Try to get the quality of the entry form into the rest of the building. Look at this as a massing exercise not a form making challenge.

  2. Hi, Guranter!

    Your renderings and diagrams are very nice and clear! The structure / building complex suggested in your earlier progress and hybrid models had certain qualities that made your idea original, powerful and at the same time appealing. Try to retain these qualities while you work further on your design.

    You are looking at the relationship between your proposal and the surrounding context and this is great! A number of questions that you may have could be answered once you complete the site model by adding the waterfront edge, the street grid and any nearby buildings that are now missing.

    I love the idea of the outdoor screen. This can be more than a flat surface (both functionally as well as aesthetically), if you wish.

