Monday, March 31, 2014


This is a another progress model. There is still struggle on how to incorporate the cubes and the building in the same language. i kinda gave it a shot on letting both of the elements flow freely using each other. The cubes are all of different size and each of them either let the rib pierce through it or doesn't, where its does pierce there is a void cut to indicate that.


  1. Take a look at Jon Jerde's work from the early 2000's. He does a good job of taking purely euclidean shapes and booleaning them with more organic forms. In that approach you might find a technique to get you where you wish to go in integrating these dissimilar forms.

  2. What are you planning to do with the open / outdoor spaces that are created between your buildings? This is something that you can investigate and be creative with while trying to make your building forms work together.

  3. The outdoor space, or perhaps landscaping, can be the essence for your further progress of your design. What immediately comes to mind for me is Peter Eisenman's project at Santiago de Compostela. I think it will be a great hint for your project.

  4. Can you post your floor plans from class yesterday?
